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Your Fastest Go-To Resource for Diversion Courses

Green hourglass, stopwatch, and graphics with text: "Your Fastest Go-To Resource for Diversion Courses." Logo: Advent eLearning.

Time is of the essence when managing diversion programs. Advent eLearning's streamlined registration process allows you to get students started on their courses within minutes. The intuitive platform eliminates unnecessary administrative hurdles, letting you focus on what matters most - helping individuals make positive changes in their lives.


Comprehensive Course Library at Your Fingertips

With over 40 behavior-specific courses available, there’s no need to search multiple providers or platforms to find the right educational content. From substance abuse to traffic safety, animal care, and more, our extensive library covers a variety of circumstances agencies might encounter.


Flexibility Meets Efficiency

Our courses are designed with flexibility in mind, offering both Level I and Level II formats for many topics. This tiered approach allows you to match the intensity of the intervention with the specific needs of each case. Courses include up to 8 hours of content but are completed at a participant's pace, providing structured yet manageable timeframes for participants.


Reduced Workload

After a student is referred to an Advent eLearning course, the agency's work is complete. Our team handles everything else—processing payments, sending assignment notifications, resolving questions, and providing completion certificates. This reduces paperwork and frees up time for other priorities while maintaining program effectiveness.


Evidence-Based Impact

Every course is developed by subject matter experts and incorporates proven behavior modification methodologies. This scientific approach, combined with engaging content and required participation, ensures that participants receive meaningful education that can lead to lasting behavioral change.


Advent eLearning stands ready as your efficient, reliable resource when you need to quickly assign courses and achieve positive outcomes in your diversion program. Our combination of speed, comprehensiveness, and effectiveness makes it the ideal choice for any diversion or alternative sentencing programs.


Contact Advent eLearning

If you’re interested in how Advent eLearning can benefit your agency and your clients, click here to visit our website. You can review Advent eLearning programs with no costs or obligations for your organization.


Advent eLearning courses address a variety of topics including:


Alcohol & Substance Abuse

Anger Management

Animal Care

Boating & Outdoors


Juvenile Conflict Resolution

Corrective Thinking

Defensive Driving

Financial Crimes

Firearm Responsibility


Hunting Responsibility

Impaired Driving

Juvenile Sexting

Life Skills

Marijuana & THC



Revenge Porn



Traffic Safety

Underage Substance

Victim Impact Panel


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