When it comes to working with individuals in diversion or alternative sentencing programs, communication is key. They need to understand what to do, when to do it, and where to go flawlessly to ensure successful outcomes.
Advent eLearning manages your entire eLearning process from the first communication with a participant to the last. We use multiple channels of communication to make sure important messages are never missed no matter what the situation may be. Advent integrates mail, email and even SMS messaging to reach participants wherever they can be found.
When it comes to your diversion program let Advent eLearning handle communications for you, freeing up time and resources in your agency to focus on other work.
Agencies need reliable programs they can count on to change behaviors and to reduce recidivism, Advent eLearning courses include content addressing a variety of topics including:
Alcohol & Substance Abuse
Anger Management
Animal Care
Boating & Outdoors
Conflict Resolution
Corrective Thinking
Defensive Driving
Financial Crimes
Firearm Responsibility
Hunting Responsibility
Impaired Driving
Juvenile Sexting
Life Skills
Revenge Porn
Traffic Safety
Underage Substance
Victim Impact Panel
If you are interested in developing new alternative sentencing and diversion options for your agency’s clients’, you can review Advent eLearning programs with no costs or obligations for your organization. Reach out today for a trial account, a guided demonstration, or for more information on our programs. Email info@adventfs.com Learn more at adventelearing.com
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