When you are convicted of a crime, you may be sentenced to take court-ordered classes as part of your punishment. Depending on the circumstances and the nature of your offense, these classes may focus on topics such as substance abuse, anger management, or ethics. If you are required to complete theft class as a condition for your probation or discharge from probation, it’s probably because you have been caught stealing something. Most first-time offenders who steal something lower in value do not get sent to prison but they are rather ordered to take theft class. This is because most states recognize that people who steal things are often addicted to drugs or alcohol at the time they commit the crime. In some places, if you fail to complete these classes once court-ordered, you could face jail time again and be forced to pay even more fines and fees than before. Here are some tips on how you can successfully complete court-mandated theft class:
Make sure you know what is expected of you
Before you sign up for any class, make sure you know exactly what it is you are being asked to do. If you are court-ordered to take a substance-abuse course, find out what substances the course is designed to address. If you have a substance abuse problem, you may be required to take a specific course designed to help people with your addiction. If you have been ordered to take a theft course, be sure you know if it is a general theft class, a shoplifting class or some other variation that is part of your requirement.
Find a way to pay for the class
Even though you have been ordered to take a theft class as part of your punishment, it is generally possible to arrange to be reimbursed by your insurance company for the cost of the course. Many insurance companies will reimburse people who have been ordered to take a class as part of a court-mandated sentence so long as the person paying for the class has proof of enrollment and proof of payment for the course. If your insurance company does not reimburse you for the cost of the class, or if you have no insurance, you may be able to get a loan that you can pay back once you have finished the class. If you are enrolled in a government-funded program, like food stamps or Medicaid, you may be able to get money to pay for the class. Some states even offer special grants that people can use to pay for classes. Online classes are generally less expensive and can be completed more quickly. Advent eLearning is an excellent resource for online theft and shoplifting classes as well as providing classes for a wide variety of court ordered education programs.
Choose the right course provider
When you are looking for a provider of theft class, make sure that it is accredited by a recognized body. This will ensure that the course meets the requirements set by your state and that it is approved for use as a court-mandated class. You should also make sure that the author of the class is qualified, either by having a degree in psychology or by having experience working with people who have committed the same kinds of crimes you have committed.
Attend all of your classes, on time and as scheduled
If you are court-ordered to take a theft class, you must complete your classes as scheduled. If you do not, you could be arrested and sent to jail. When taking classes online, make sure you don’t wait until the last minute. Give yourself plenty of time before you have to provide certification of completion to the court. Your online course can be completed all at once, or in sections as you are able to schedule your time to participate.
Don’t forget: You still have to follow all other terms of your probation
Even though you have been ordered to take a theft class, you must still follow all other terms of your probation. If you have a curfew, you must make sure you are home by it every day. If you have been ordered not to consume alcohol, you must make sure you do not drink any alcohol. If you have been ordered to be employed, you must make sure you are staying employed and following the job requirements. If you are required to take a drug or alcohol test, you must make sure you pass it. If you are court-ordered to take a theft class, you must still make sure you are adhering to all of your other probationary terms.
Taking a theft class is a great way to address a criminal conviction or defer a sentence. You will learn a lot about yourself, your situation, and the reasons you committed the crime. You will also get a chance to reflect on your actions and the negative impact they have caused your life and others. If you are serious about changing your life for the better, you should take advantage of the opportunity that classes offer. Link to Advent eLearning today to enroll in your court ordered theft class.
Advent eLearning courses address a variety of topics including:
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