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The Fastest, Easiest Way to Complete an Anti-Theft Class

Updated: Jan 15, 2024

As an alternative to jail time, courts will sometimes sentence defendants to take a class that teaches them the consequences of their actions. In these cases, the best way for people to take the class is as soon as possible. This article will outline how to get court-ordered anti-theft class fast, easy and successful. Let’s dive in.

What is a Court-Ordered Anti-Theft Class?

A court-ordered anti-theft class is a class that a judge orders someone to attend in place of or in addition to other penalties. These classes are often used as a punishment for theft crimes such as shoplifting, credit card fraud, or grand theft auto. The goal of these classes is to teach people who have committed theft crimes the consequences of their actions. The class will also teach them how to avoid a similar situation in the future.

What is the Fastest and Easiest Option?

While the class itself may not be altogether “easy”, the easiest, fastest, and most convenient way to meet your court ordered obligation for passing an anti-theft class successfully is an online course. An online course will allow you to take your class when and where you are most comfortable, and on whatever device you prefer. You can also schedule your class at times when it is most convenient for you, taking it all at once, or breaking it up into sections as you are able.


Taking court ordered anti-theft classes online is the fastest, easiest, and most convenient way to fulfill your obligation to complete your course successfully. Advent eLearning anti-theft courses are designed to help you meet your court ordered anti-theft class at an affordable price. Get started with Advent eLearning today.

Advent eLearning courses address a variety of topics including:

Alcohol & Substance Abuse

Anger Management

Animal Care

Boating & Outdoors


Conflict Resolution

Corrective Thinking

Defensive Driving

Financial Crimes

Firearm Responsibility


Hunting Responsibility

Impaired Driving

Juvenile Sexting

Life Skills




Revenge Porn



Traffic Safety

Underage Substance

Victim Impact Panel



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