You have to take an anti-theft course before you’ve met the requirements of the court. The court also requires that you pass a test on the content of that course and get a certificate to prove it. What seems like a simple task proves challenging for some people. Here’s what you need to know about getting the certificate and passing that test. The courses cover topics like car theft, security features, visibility, and so on. The tests are multiple choice and fairly straightforward. If you cannot pass the test right away, keep trying until you do because you want to meet you court ordered obligation.
What is the Anti-Theft Course Certificate?
The certificate also goes by various names such as the course completion certificate, the course attendance card, and so on. Every state has its own name for the document that proves you took the course, passed the test, and therefore received your certificate. It is crucial that the court is presented with your certificate to prove you have completed what the law requires.
Passing the Test
There are a lot of different online courses that you can take to satisfy your theft class requirement. For your own peace of mind, rest assured you can use the Advent eLearning platform knowing that certifications from Advent provided upon successful course completion are accepted by courts across the country. Taking your course online will allow you much more flexibility to start and stop your course when it is convenient for you and to take the course in the privacy and comfort of your own home.
No one is judging you or expecting anything extraordinary. You are just taking a simple test like you might in school. Be sure to read all the questions carefully and mark your answers on a separate sheet of paper so you can go back and make sure you got everything right. With some practice, you can make passing this test a breeze. - If you fail the test initially, keep trying until you get it right.
Advent eLearning courses address a variety of topics including:
Alcohol & Substance Abuse
Anger Management
Animal Care
Boating & Outdoors
Conflict Resolution
Corrective Thinking
Defensive Driving
Financial Crimes
Firearm Responsibility
Hunting Responsibility
Impaired Driving
Juvenile Sexting
Life Skills
Revenge Porn
Traffic Safety
Underage Substance
Victim Impact Panel