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Course Highlight: Hunting Responsibility

A man with a hunting orange hat aiming a shotgun into the air

The Advent eLearning Hunting Responsibility course is an innovative online education program. The purpose of this course is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to understand the laws and guidelines for hunting and fishing, responsible land use, and equipment safety.


This self-guided course primarily uses video-based content to ensure an engaging and interactive learning experience for participants. It allows them to learn at their own pace, ensuring that every individual fully understands the material.


The key facts

  • Course content translates to any browser supported language

  • Four hours of content done at your own pace

  • Digital certificate sent to you upon passing the course

  • Designed for charges such as: Animal and Wildlife Incidents and Firearm Violations


Course Modules

I. Ethical Hunting

II. Hunter Training & Use of Dogs

III. Dressing & Transporting Game

IV. Landowner Rights & Stewardship


The Benefits

Of the Hunting Responsibility course to you

  • Helps you learn the laws and sportsmanship for hunters of all experience levels

  • Gives you a way to demonstrate your commitment to being a safe and courteous hunter

  • Can be taken in the comfort of your own home

  • Can be taken any time of day or night


Why should you choose Advent eLearning for your boating and outdoor safety course?

Advent eLearning offers over 30 online education courses, each designed by relevant subject matter experts to address specific behaviors. These practical tools are designed to help you manage and alter the behaviors that have led to the current circumstances. This dual approach of providing knowledge and tools ensures a more effective and comprehensive learning experience.


Advent eLearning's commitment to quality and effectiveness has earned it the trust of over 500 criminal justice agencies throughout the United States that regularly utilize the platform.


Contact Advent eLearning

If you’re interested in how Advent eLearning can benefit your agency and your clients, click here to visit our website. You can review Advent eLearning programs with no costs or obligations for your organization. Contact us today for a trial account or a guided demonstration.


Advent eLearning courses address a variety of topics including:


Alcohol & Substance Abuse

Anger Management

Animal Care

Boating & Outdoors


Juvenile Conflict Resolution

Corrective Thinking

Defensive Driving

Financial Crimes

Firearm Responsibility


Hunting Responsibility

Impaired Driving

Juvenile Sexting

Life Skills

Marijuana & THC



Revenge Porn



Traffic Safety

Underage Substance

Victim Impact Panel

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