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New York Traffic Program

The Advent eLearning New York Traffic Reduction Program is an online instructional education course designed to teach safer driving habits.

This course is designed to teach you behavioral driving skills to help you avoid collisions in your daily driving activities.

Most adult drivers like you know the rules of the road that you were taught and practiced when you first got your driver’s license. What a behavioral driving course will teach you is that, beyond knowing the rules, being a safe driver means also making the right choices when you’re driving.

In the first part of this course, you will learn ab out behavioral driving, including how attitudes affect responsible driving behavior, leading to fewer citations and collisions.

Finally, you’ll then learn more about how you can keep yourself safe from aggressive drivers-to help you avoid collisions with drivers who don’t drive responsibly.


Overview of Traffic Safety course


Part1: Behavioral Driving

            Section 1: The Average Ticket Getter

            Section 2: Stress, Choice and Driving Habits

            Section 3: Driving Attitude and Behavior


Part 2: Defending Against Aggressive Drivers

            Section 1: Tailgating and Speeding

            Section 2: Traffic Control Devices

            Section 3: Lane and Space Violations

            Section 4: Impaired Drivers

            Section 5: Distracted Drivers


Part 3: Conclusion

            Section 1: Final Review

            Section 2: Next Steps

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