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Solicite folletos para estudiantes

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For offices looking to refer students to our courses, Advent is happy to provide professionally created materials that can be distributed to course participants. These are meant to be provided to the individuals that might benefit from the content and will walk them through the registration process, assuring a successful and meaningful experience. Offices can choose from an 8 1/2 x 11 glossy or the more popular business card size option. Both offer the same information (the business card size is easier for the student to carry around).


Simply complete the form below and you will be sent (either digitally or physically) flyers for each course you select. * indica un campo obligatorio.

(Si solicita un activo físico)

¿Qué folletos para estudiantes necesitas? (Marque tantos como sea necesario)

Ejemplo de tarjeta de presentación de estudiante

Ejemplo de folleto para estudiantes

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